Friday, May 9, 2008

If you were given $200 to give away ...

This question was posed by Lorainne Ahearn this morning .... I I had $200 to give away ...

Piedmont Land Conservancy. There has been a large amount of press regarding The Haw River State park, and work that is being done on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, as well as a recent attempt to rezone property on Old Battleground Avenue to allow multi-family housing, while there is an attempt to expand the Courthouse Battleground Site. The Open Space Bond should have passed. If we don't preserve open space now, how can we save it after it is 'closed?'

Click on the link above and make a donation.

Tornado Kills One - Shuts down businesses

Last night's severe weather has damaged buildings, closed down a section of the west side of Greensboro, and killed at least one person.

MSNBC and AP Link

Thursday, May 8, 2008

NC-APA Position on Proposed Annexation Moratorium


North Carolina enjoys a tradition of sound local government which helps make the state attractive to economic and residential growth. Efficient, orderly and sound development throughout the state is fostered by strong municipalities, capable of managing resources and expanding services to meet the needs of a growing population.

The North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association (NCAPA) views with concern legislation which would seriously hamper orderly municipal growth through annexation as well as efforts to incorporate new municipalities in close proximity to existing municipalities, solely or primarily to avoid annexation. NCAPA believes that such incorporations do not promote good local government, but instead may impair comprehensive planning efforts and result in fragmentation of authority over urban areas.


  1. The North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association (NCAPA) fully supports the existing statutory standards and services annexation authority. NCAPA would oppose changes in the law, either statewide of local, which would weaken present annexation procedures or restrict municipal annexation authority. NCAPA would specifically oppose HB 74 or other similar bills which would allow residents in extra-territorial jurisdictions (ETJ's) to vote prior to municipal annexation attempts. Such elections would be formidable obstacles for municipalities to overcome, and could encourage inequitable situations where essentially urban areas draw the benefits of the municipality but do not pay for them.

The current statutory provisions are based upon the sound public policy that what is urban should be municipal and served by a full service municipality. Such a policy encourages development in accordance with a comprehensive plan. The cost of urban public services should be shared by those who commute to the city for work, shopping, play, health care, and other services.

The statutes set forth a rational, fair and objective process for annexation. NCAPA believes that municipal annexation is a valuable and essential planning tool, which facilitates sound regulation of development and efficient provision of necessary municipal services.

  1. NCAPA recognizes the local character of incorporation bills, but feels that this is an important issue of statewide concern and would oppose new incorporations designed primarily to prevent annexation by an existing municipality. NCAPA encourages prior review of proposed incorporations by the Joint Legislative Commission on Municipal Incorporations, under the objective standards provided by statute.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Great News for Guilford County Kids

Thanks to people who place high value on our children's education, the school bonds passed yesterday. I am sure that Deena Hayes is disappointed. She was quoted in the Greensboro News and Record as saying: "Due to the deplorable educational outcomes of African American students and the unacceptable participation rate of our African American contractors, we will not be supporting the Guilford County school bond.". It may be true, to an extent, that new schools will not improve all the students educational experience. Working out of trailers, on the other hand, is unacceptable and is not helping the education process. Congratulations Guilford County. THe next time you have an opportunity, tell those school board members what you think and vote them out of office.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Get Out and Vote!

Time to get out and vote. If you don't vote in the primary election, don't complain about your schools or for whom you get to vote in November. Polls are open until 7:30

Monday, May 5, 2008

Vote for the Guilford County Bonds - Especially Open Space

There was a great article regarding a possible open space purchase by Guilford County reported in the News & Record this weekend. Working with the State of NC, the County may purchase up to 497 acres of wooded property near Lake Townsend. This purchase could aid in making a major connection for the Mountain-to-Sea Trail.

On a similar note, Vote yes to the Open Space Bond Tomorrow.

Cinco de Mayo or Cinco de Nada

May Day 'protesters' have not been able to drum up much support this year. If you do not support the people who are calling for immigration amnesty, we will not need amnesty, and wagees will increase. Do no support the 5th of May today.